вторник, 25 ноября 2014 г.


Do you like the beaches? Sandy, stony, wild. No matter what you do there : walking, sitting, sunbathing or kissing. It just feels like the perfect place where the waves sound takes all the heavy energy from you and gives the peaceful feeling in return. 

If you were born at the sea you will always need to watch it, listen to and feel. Choose the restaurant close to the water and watch the seagulls flying around. Find beautuful shells and collect them as a memory. Spend the whole night sleeping on the beach at least once. There are still many things that feel better just because of the right atmosphere. 

Today I'd like to share the video of Yalta, the beach in Autumn and myself, enjoying it enirely. It was one of the warmest days and I'm sure if the water was same warm I'd swim. Wish you romantic nights and sincere talks no matter where you are. You are the one to make it special. 

воскресенье, 23 ноября 2014 г.

Yalta. Katherine. Film

This post comes straight from my heart while I'm still in this happy nostalgic mood. I just literally got off the train and met my best friend. Everytime we walk together it seems like we live somewhere far and every corner is a tourist attraction. I wish we could meet much more often as we view this life and admire things on the same level. On the other hand, I'd rather meet someone precious to me rarely than communicate with people I don't have anything common with often. 

I have loads of photos made in Yalta, but not with a film camera. So I'm also happy to capture this stormy weather and empty beaches. The Black Sea looks unique to me and  looking at someone's photo at the sea I can easily recognize it. It's so changable even so always delightful. These places may mean something only to me and people who live here, but showing these photos I really hope you also have the cities that make you feel and true friends that make you happy!

четверг, 20 ноября 2014 г.

Moldova. Film

Даже не помню, когда была в последний раз в Молдавии в осеннее время. Очень рада, что застала не суровые холода, а именно ту самую приятную осень с желтыми листьями и моросящим дождем. . В этот раз я решила захватить с собой пленку и сделать несколько уютных кадров. Я бы, наверное, всю пленку потратила на один только камин и котенка, который не вошел в эту серию, так как невероятно активно двигался :)

воскресенье, 16 ноября 2014 г.

The Valley Of Ghosts

One Autumn day we decided to sense tremendous power and energy of Crimean mountains, leaving the thoughts behind. Actually I'm not the person who admires rocks, but this place is really worth visiting at least once. So if ever Crimea is on your travel list, spend a day to see this powerful beauty.

They call it the Valley of Ghosts because the shapes of the stone figures resemble human faces, animals and mysterious creatures. Depending on the time of the day and lighting their images cgange. Also common fog in this place adds some fear and mystery. Wandering  in thick white clouds you can see hundreds of such "ghosts" in the Valley. It's really amazing!

To be honest, it shames me that I live one hour away from this district and reached it only in Autumn. Winter time should expose marvelous nature in the best possible way. From the first steps upwards we could feel extremely fresh air and special atmosphere. Looking around I hardly believed my eyes. I've seen similar places before, but this one took my breath away. Furthermore, beautiful model Vlada Labza reflected harmony and untity with nature.

четверг, 6 ноября 2014 г.

Vera. Film

It was a chilling morning that brought us to cafe for some hot tea and girl's talks. That's what we usually did apart our uni classes.Waking up that day I realized I want to shoot Vera so I took my camera and met her in an hour. She looked stunning and someway radiant with nobility.

суббота, 1 ноября 2014 г.

Beautiful Crimea

 Film making is one of my favourite activities. I can sit all night montaging and editing until I can no longer listen to this song and see the same image :P These are beautiful views of Crimea which looks like Monaco to me:))

Blurred And Sunny

Watching the pictures from the last year I can't wait to take my film camera again. Not sure if I love this cat shot because there is a cat here or because of my favourite sunlight.