понедельник, 20 октября 2014 г.


How many pictures you keep on your phone?  Mine is always run out of space.  Every time I’m going to delete 30 copies of the same angle  I examine the pics for a minute and keep them all. It would seem I take photos of anything. In fact, I often capture some trifle,  and  then in a year I am touched considering this pic as great. Not technically great , it just takes you back to the meaningful moments.
I am that person who always sit by the window with headphones on while mentally contriving the best music video.  Wish I finally shoot one of them for real! J Car is another source of inspiration – place, where you can think deeper.  Especially when you are on the way for 18 hours. Here are some flashes from my rides. Some of them were happy, some not - but its nice to remember.

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